What is FAQ markup and what is it for?

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) markup is a special structured data format used to label frequently asked questions and answers on web pages. This markup helps search engines and other platforms to better understand and interpret the content on pages related to questions and answers.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) markup is a special structured data format used to label frequently asked questions and answers on web pages. This markup helps search engines and other platforms to better understand and interpret the content on pages related to questions and answers.

Example of FAQ markup in JSON-LD format:

  "@context": "https://schema.org",
  "@type": "FAQPage",
  "mainEntity": [
      "@type": "Question",
      "name": "How to use the FAQ markup?",
      "acceptedAnswer": {
        "@type": "Answer",
        "text": "FAQ markup is used to structure frequently asked questions and answers to help search engines better understand and display this information."
      "@type": "Question",
      "name": "Why you need FAQ markup?",
      "acceptedAnswer": {
        "@type": "Answer",
        "text": "FAQ markup helps improve the visibility and display of questions and answers in search engines, and improves the user experience by providing structured information."


What is the purpose of the FAQ markup?

Improved visibility in search engines

FAQ markup helps search engines such as Google better understand page content, which can improve the display of questions and answers in search results. For example, FAQ markup can encourage questions and answers to show up as extended snippets or in the “Questions and Answers” section of search results pages.

Enriching search results

Proper use of FAQ markup can result in questions and answers being displayed as separate boxes with expanded answers right in the search results. This makes the information more accessible and useful to users, improving their interaction with your site.

Enhancing user experience

FAQ markup helps users quickly find the information they need. The inclusion of structured data allows for a more efficient display of frequently asked questions and their answers, making site navigation more convenient.

Support for voice assistants

Structured data, such as FAQ markup, can be used by voice assistants and virtual assistants to provide accurate and relevant answers to user questions, improving interaction with voice interfaces.

Content Optimization

Proper Q&A markup helps search engines interpret page content more accurately, which can lead to improved SEO performance and increased organic traffic to the site.


FAQ markup is a powerful tool for improving the visibility and interpretation of FAQ content in search engines and other platforms. It helps make information more accessible to users, improves their experience of interacting with the site and can have a positive impact on SEO performance.

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